The comma and global misery: Proportions

Ukraine in turmoil, the Middle East in tatters, Europe in a shambles… Newspaper front pages are filled with disturbing reports on how unstable our planet seems to have become. Terrifying stories about young girls in Africa being abducted, people being decapitated on video, tropical storms eradicating entire islands.

The list of horrors is long and merciless. Have we reached a point of saturation? Last week, a leading Danish newspaper had suddenly cleared its entire front page. Something more important merited space: the future of the Danish comma! Recently we learned that BBC Top Gear star Jeremy Clarkson had been suspended. This was given more than half an hour of prime time on CNN.

How can the demise of a TV host and the future of a Danish comma overshadow news about wars, natural disasters and human misery? Understandable, perhaps, and rather thought-provoking.